How to Wear - Red and Blue


Especially not with RED 🆘 Sounds familiar?

Jewelry with light blue stones can be perfectly mixed and matched 🤩

Here are some easygoing styling tips on how to combine light blue with red tones.

Turquoise and light blue looks fantastic with red tones. Why?

A dark red is an elegant way to set the scene for simple looks and becomes really modern with a bright turquoise. The light blue adds a touch of alluring vitality to the outfit and is a strong and fresh accent to the grown-up red.


the blue escape jewelry - Stylingtipps - Edelsteinschmuck

the blue escape jewelry - Edelsteinschmuck - Stylingtipps - Wie kombiniere ich?




According to the laws of color harmony, the color wheel, these are complementary colors. This color combination becomes even more interesting if you choose a very light turquoise and complement it with a very rich deep dark red.
Exciting and vibrant - yet balanced and harmonious at the same time.

Casual chic and feminine sensuality: this is what creates a grown-up and at the same time refreshing look.

RING with Larimar

the blue escape jewerly - Ring mit Larimar


COLLIER with Turquoise



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How to Wear – Red and Blue – Stylingtipps für Rot und Blau